
Federated IdentitiesWeb services offer an opportunity to redesign a variety of older systems to exploit the advantages of a flexible, extensible, secure set of standards. WSEmail explores the objective of improving Internet messaging (email) by redesigning it as a family of web services.  This promises improvements in integration, security, and flexibility compared to the legacy messaging architecture based on SMTP. Since increased flexibility often mitigates against security and performance, it is necessary to develop strategies for proving security properties and efficiently implementing WSEmail as well as exploring opportunities for its applications.


WSEmail: An architecture and system for secure Internet messaging based on web services.
Michael J. May, Kevin D. Lux, and Carl A. Gunter.
Service Oriented Computing and Applications (2020) 14:5–17.

WSEmail: A Retrospective on a System for Secure Internet Messaging Based on Web Services..
Michael J. May, Kevin D. Lux, and Carl A. Gunter.
arXiv:1908.02108 [cs.NI], December, 2019.

Emergency Alerts as RSS Feeds with Interdomain Authorization
Filippo Gioachin, Ravinder Shankesi, Michael J. May, Carl A. Gunter and Wook Shin
IARIA International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP ’07), Santa Clara, CA, July 2007. [PPT][BIB]

AMPol-Q: Adaptive Middleware Policy to Support QoS
Raja Afandi, Jianqing Zhang and Carl A. Gunter
ACM International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC ’06), Chicago, IL, December 2006. [PPT][BIB]

AMPol: Adaptive Messaging Policy
Raja Afandi, Jianqing Zhang, Munawar Hafiz and Carl A. Gunter
IEEE European Conference on web Services (ECOWS ’06), Zurich, Switzerland, December 2006. [PPT][BIB]

WSEmail: Secure Internet Messaging Based on Web Services
Kevin D. Lux, Michael J. May, Nayan L. Bhattad and Carl A. Gunter
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS ’05), Orlando, FL, July 2005. [PPT][BIB]

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Last updated on Thursday, June 26, 2014, 12:50 pm